Career Coaches

Dr. Forlenza has worked extensively with executive and emerging leaders across a wide variety of corporate and economic sectors, including financial services, legal services, biotechnology, healthcare, engineering, start-up, and higher education. His focus is on building and expanding the leadership competency, character, and capacity of his clients for leading in complex, uncertain, and highly changeable work environments. He has a particular interest in facilitating the emergence of leaders in the health sciences. Prior to becoming a full-time consultant, coach, and facilitator, Dr. Forlenza served as Assistant Dean in the School of Leadership and Professional Advancement at Duquesne University. He initiated, founded, and taught in the Professional Coach Certification Program (PCCP), an International Coach Federation Accredited Coach Training Program, also serving as its Executive Director.

As a certified professional coach, author, nonprofit advocate, and physician, Dr. Hanrahan, brings her coaching expertise to professionals and organizations in the academic, healthcare and nonprofit sectors. She is the owner and founder of Beyond Words Wellness Resources, LLC. Dr. Hanrahan encourages clients to define their mission, vision, strengths, values and goals. Throughout the coaching engagement, she draws on recent evidence-based studies by the American Medical Association, the National Academy of Medicine, the Harvard Institute of Coaching and the Greater Good Science Center at Berkley to help clients develop personal and professional strategies to remain engaged, passionate and productive in their chosen profession.
Dr. Hanrahan leads workshops for community groups and nonprofit organizations on topics such as cultivating self-compassion and resilience, creating a wellness compass, and coaching practice evaluation. By promoting well-being and improving personal resiliency, clients are also able to positively impact on their work environment. Dr. Hanrahan’s coaching style is active, thoughtful, compassionate and strategic. She also serves on several nonprofit boards.

Dr. Sabatine is president of Avanti Strategies, a firm specializing in executive, leadership, and career coaching for academic physicians and scientists. She is also co-director of training in the Professional Coach Certification Program in the Palumbo-Donahue School of Business at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh PA. Her interest in working with individuals in science and medicine draws from her belief that they deserve the same support that corporate executives have enjoyed for years—the benefit of an executive coach. As a coach, Dr. Sabatine has helped numerous scientific and healthcare professionals become stronger, more effective leaders and successfully publish and secure funding.
A researcher by training, Dr. Sabatine relies on evidence-based methodologies to support her coaching and coach training activities. She recently edited a comprehensive coaching reference text, Professional Coaching: Principles and Practice is a recipient of an Institute of Coaching research grant to study the impact of a coaching-based career course supplemented with external coaching, and is the external coach coordinator for the Biomedical Master's Program at the University of Pittsburgh.